Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trying on outfits

So today my mom went out to Target and she bought me new outfits. I like to wear new ones! And I like it when my mama takes pictures of me. So today I got to have a little "photoshoot" showing off my new outfits I got.

So this is my outfit I'll be wearing for the 4'th of July. What do ya think?

This is my favorite outfit I have so far.

I think I look pretty cool! Whatcha guys think? :-)


  1. I like you're new outfits! You look like one cool Chihuahua.

  2. i couldnt really see yellow that good

  3. but i like the blue one the best anyways

  4. Looking good bro! Check out my totally awesome teacup brand! Just gettin started though, later we'll have clothes and stuff, mommy mostly do manga and that kind of teacup "entertainment"..

    See ya around!


Give me some comments, free dog treats if you do. Woof!